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Building Spiritual Vitality | A CFLC & Prism Production

On October 8th, eighty people gathered at the Bishop’s residence to catch a glimpse of the vision the Center for Lay Chaplaincy and PRISM Restorative Justice have for bringing spiritual care to everyone, everywhere.

Guests were invited into the mindfulness practice of drinking tea in the pop-up tea house with Buddhist chaplain trainees, and learned how tea ceremonies can bring beauty and solace to spaces where spiritual care is scarce.

Guests offered their own confessions and explored the confessions of others in the installation of Confessions for Humanity, and considered how infrequently the care of the soul is structured into our common life.

The Listening Station was made available for guests to learn more about Chaplaincy Everywhere and the need for spiritual care in public spaces and under-resourced contexts like food banks and service centers for the unhoused.

And finally PRISM chaplains and volunteers were on hand to share their experiences with guests of bringing spiritual care and comfort to our incarcerated brothers and sisters in the county jails. Of course there was plenty of delicious food and drink and an abundance of conversation to be had. But we left with a renewed sense that our brothers and sisters who are incarcerated or living without homes have more than material needs. They are also spiritual creatures who are in need of spiritual care.

Thank you to all of our volunteers and donors who helped make the fundraiser a success!

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